Saturday, 12 May 2012

Assertive technology

To define assertive technology:
`assertive technology device' means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customised, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a person with a disability (IDEA, 2012).
From this I understand assertive technology is anything that can aid a person that is disabled id some way to help them to function as normally as possible.
Over the last year and a half i have had the fortune of seeing abit of this technology in action. The piece of equipment that sticks out in my mind as being one of the most helpful switches, specifically ones for kids that have trouble with upper limb co ordination. A switch for a child can range anywhere from $150 upwards. These devices allow the individual to do anything from play with a toy to playing a game on there computer or surfing the net. This has increased occupational engagement ten fold as now the individual can do what they could not do before! We have had the pleasure of a gent (we won't name names) coming to talk to us at the school of OT because he works with children as an OT and deals with alot of this adaptive equipment. Now to show you what I am rambling on about........

This just show you how useful switches can be! This wee guy is now able to communicate what he wants to the adults around him!

Again this wee girl now is able to communicate easily with the people round her because of the use of a pre recording switch which will be super useful for toileting and when she may get tired.

These guys are amazing look what they can do!

This gives people the chance to do what otherwise they couldn't do. No longer are the disabled occupational deprived but they have transitioned and now have the same occupational justice as everyone else!

IDEA. (13/5/12). Building the legacy of IDEA. Retrieved from:,root,statute,I,A,602,1, (14/5/12).


  1. Hi Emily,

    I found this post very interesting. I had no idea switches could be so expensive! Also, it is amazing how much is achievable through the use of switches. Are these available for a regular Joe Blogs to purchase, or do they have to be bought through an occupational therapist?


    1. Hi Brylie,
      yes, anyone can get these switches. Here is a really good link to a web page that sells them

