Wednesday 16 May 2012

Proof of OT communication on Blogger

Brylie to me:
Hi Emily,

I found this post very interesting. I had no idea switches could be so expensive! Also, it is amazing how much is achievable through the use of switches. Are these available for a regular Joe Blogs to purchase, or do they have to be bought through an occupational therapist?


Me to Brylie:
Hi Brylie,
yes, anyone can get these switches. Here is a really good link to a web page that sells them


Saturday 12 May 2012

Assertive technology

To define assertive technology:
`assertive technology device' means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customised, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a person with a disability (IDEA, 2012).
From this I understand assertive technology is anything that can aid a person that is disabled id some way to help them to function as normally as possible.
Over the last year and a half i have had the fortune of seeing abit of this technology in action. The piece of equipment that sticks out in my mind as being one of the most helpful switches, specifically ones for kids that have trouble with upper limb co ordination. A switch for a child can range anywhere from $150 upwards. These devices allow the individual to do anything from play with a toy to playing a game on there computer or surfing the net. This has increased occupational engagement ten fold as now the individual can do what they could not do before! We have had the pleasure of a gent (we won't name names) coming to talk to us at the school of OT because he works with children as an OT and deals with alot of this adaptive equipment. Now to show you what I am rambling on about........

This just show you how useful switches can be! This wee guy is now able to communicate what he wants to the adults around him!

Again this wee girl now is able to communicate easily with the people round her because of the use of a pre recording switch which will be super useful for toileting and when she may get tired.

These guys are amazing look what they can do!

This gives people the chance to do what otherwise they couldn't do. No longer are the disabled occupational deprived but they have transitioned and now have the same occupational justice as everyone else!

IDEA. (13/5/12). Building the legacy of IDEA. Retrieved from:,root,statute,I,A,602,1, (14/5/12).
Emilys blog feed:

The internet and online communities

Tut 6: The Internet and online communities

For this post I am going to carry on with the theme from my last post as I really have a passion for the topic of art therapy. For this post I am required to discuss the idea of internet and online communities. There are many communities on the net at present but here are three of the ones that I think are some of the best.

The Art therapy blog-

This site was created for people that are qualified art therapist but I have found it really interesting as an OT in training and have got many ideas from the web page. The site in very interactive because of the nature of it! Art therapy is all about getting in there and having ago and so is this webpage. By subscribing to the pages news feeds you can be kept up to date with the different ideas etc. that pop up on the page. Anybody can comment on the content but name and email etc. must be given at the time. People share ideas for different techniques that can be used within art therapy and things that their clients have created also.

Facebook- Art therapy blog-

This is another version of the same blog from above but that different people are connected to on the Facebook network. Many people find that Facebook is easier to use than a blog page simply because everything is always that same on Facebook were as with blogs the formats etc. can be different. People are free to comment on what ever they like on this page and the page can be “liked” so that there logo is present on your own private Facebook page.

Twitter art therapy-

This is again by the same people as the above to but in a different manner. This is more a quick fire comment site that lets other people you are connected with exactly what you are thinking or doing at that point in time. It is very interactive as there is always something being said or a video being posted. People must be a twitter member to join this group and from there anyone can comment on this account.

I believe that people choose to post comments or pictures on such websites as Twitter or Facebook because of a need to share knowledge with others. People seek knowledge as the need to learn is intrinsic as Knowles stated in his theory on adult learners (Wong, Graham and Hosking, 2008). In terms of occupation deprivation I think that these blogs are relevant in two ways. One that not all people that need to get information about art therapy may have the internet and therefore are deprived of the subject. Secondly, that some of the people that can benefit from art therapy are physical be unable to express themselves through art. Occupational disruption on the other hand is very much a part of blogging as computers and the internet cannot always be trusted or relied upon (as I just found out the hard way!).

However, many issues arise with the concept of blogging and online communities simply because any one can post anything they want to. In some cases posts may be removed but at the end of the day does the person who posted that comment get punished? No, they do not. Accountability of actions is totally different in the real world as to what it is in cyber space. What’s the worst that’s going to happen if you write “such n such is a dirty rotten #*%@!” you get blocked from the page and there is really no love lost there. Another example of issues surrounding online communities is that of identity. It was only last week that on the Australian based telly series “Neighbours” (cringe) that an older gentleman decided that he would make up a fake profile on Facebook just to get someone into trouble. That’s the issue! Anyone can say they are you or someone that you know when in reality they are sitting in the office on the other side of the world thinking “aw yup I’ve got this girl”. SCARY! Although there are a few negative issues around internet communities I must say that to be able to communicate with another human on the other side of the world in seconds is amazing. Now we as students of occupational therapy can openly communicate with our sister school in Hamilton regarding stresses about exams etc. I have no idea who these people are but I know they are going through the same things as I am. This is all because on an internet community called Facebook.


Wong, B., Graham, L, & Hoskyn, M. (2008).  The ABCs of Learning Disabilities. Elsevier Acedemic Press: USA.!/arttherapy

Video Production sessions

Video Production sessions

A topic that I found of interest from my fieldwork two placement was the concept of using art for rehabilitation purposes. Cole (2012) suggests that OT evaluations within art as a form of therapy is about seeing how the client perceives themselves in terms of the self-image, emotions and relationship with others. Art therapy has really opened my eyes to the other methods or rehabilitation other than just your standard, every day run of the mill, rehab exercise. Within my placement setting I witnessed the joy, triumph and improvement for clients that had both physical and intellectual disabilities. For me watching on I saw a “level playing field” if you will. These people that have been perceived by society as not being the same as everyone else can now, by way of art, just be the same as everyone else. This is empowering those with disabilities at its finest.
Here are some you tube clips to show what I am talking about above to illustrate what an awesome thing this is!


Cole, M. (2012). Group dynamics in occupational therapy. Slack Corp: USA.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Occupational engagement, doing, being, belonging and becoming.

I have created a photo presentation in the for of a slide show. The topic I  have chosen is game play and I have chosen this because of my participation in a day hospital rehab setting of one of my placements last year. While on placement I notices that game play was a pivital part of rehabilitation for some stroke patients. The idea of hand eye coordination and building strength in the effected side was very prominent and I believe that this was a very effective tool in the recovery of these patients. Furthermore, while there was individual work done with these patients there was also alot of group work which built a strong sense of belonging in these patients. By getting the patients to engage with the games and with each other it helps to aid the recovery process which can be long and hard for server stroke patients. The slides illustrate the idea of doing, being, becoming and belonging.
So here it is!!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Short film description

What an extremely funny experience making this film was! Brought us together as a small group and help us all get to know each other just that little bit better!
Our short films topic was "Occupational deprivation". For the time being I shall call it "Occupational deprivation of a poor student" (to be revised when the girls get back to me haha).We have shown this in our film by good use of the lead actress (she who will not be named haha) being deprived of different aspects of student life. Occupational deprivation is defined as not all people are afforded equal opportunies to participate in occupations having individual, fimiliaral and cultural meaning" (Christiansen & Townsend, p.305, 2010)From this definition I as an individual understand that occupational deprivation is not being able to preform or be included in different activities because of events that are out of ones control.

As a group we brain stormed ideas about occupational deprivation and how that topic may be linked to the notion of being a student. We decided on the idea that as students we don't always have alot of money and because of this we may miss out on activities that others don't because of lack on money. Throughout the short film we show different ideas including our actress no begining able to get into the movies because she has not paid for her ticket and her looking longingly at a sausage roll that again she cannot afford. Also at they beginning of our film our actress is, how shall I put this, well covered and keen for fun. At the end because she has no money, she has studied hard and lost ALOT of weight. All in all, I think the girls and I did a great job of displaying what it means to be occupational deprived as a poor student!


Christainsen, C. & Townsend, E. (2010). Introduction to occupation. The art and science of living. (2nd ed). Pearsons: London.